Powers of Attorney


What is a Power of Attorney?

Many assume that because they are in business together, married or looking after an ageing parent, that they can sign legal documents on their behalf. This is not correct. You can only do so if you are legally authorised under a Power of Attorney.

A Power of Attorney enables an authorised third party to enter into financial transactions, access bank accounts and investments and even buy and sell property for you when you are overseas, in hospital or otherwise unable to act on your own behalf.

I&J Law can:

Do you have to be over eighteen?

Yes, you also need to have mental capacity to enter into a legal document.

What is the difference between a General Power of Attorney and an Enduring Power of Attorney?

An Enduring Power of Attorney is effective even if you lose mental capacity, whereas a General Power of Attorney is more limited.

Can I appoint more than one attorney ?

Yes. You can appoint more than one attorney jointly or severally, which means you can decide if you want your attorneys to act together or separately.

What if I no longer trust the attorney?

It is vital that you revoke the Power of Attorney under these circumstances so the attorney no longer has this authority.

Does my attorney have to be a lawyer?

No. For these purposes an attorney can be any legally competent person over the age of eighteen.

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