Things to remember when separating

Separation in essence, is the collapse of the family unit that you have created with your anticipated life partner.

It is important to remember that no matter how amicable your separation is, you and your former partner will most likely have conflicting interests going forward and as such your former partner, who you once trusted, may well prioritise their own needs over yours.

You may see a side of your former partner’s character that you may or may not have anticipated and feel quite shocked by their conduct.

Psychologically, you might prepare for the worst but hope for the best when considering the logistics of securing financial and parenting agreements.

Know your legal rights, obligations and entitlements. This way, whether or not you settle out of court, you are guided by what the law considers to be a fair and reasonable outcome.

Most of all, ensure that you continue to do the right thing. When vulnerable and acting in fear, hurt, anger or an eclectic mix of other emotions, people often create further legal problems for themselves which on occasion may have long lasting ramifications.

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